A full year is over since “On The Journey” became an official company. The idea was there for a very …
Limiting thoughts are #1 on Sabotaging Our Lives
Limiting thoughts are an undesired by-product of our brains. All of our minds have thinking patterns, and the quality of …
Wise Thoughts on Failure
A friend of mine found herself failing over and over again for a long while. She immediately labeled herself a …
Five strategies to pass depressive period with ease
Life definitely has four seasons. There are times that we are psychologically weak and life goes pretty depressive. It could …
Protect your gut health with a healthy lifestyle
The modern life influenced our lifestyle and our diet. We started to live with full rush. Waking up, rushing to …
How to get motivated in difficult times
SOS message from Sally (a fictional character). “I was working on my project, but it was too long. Then I …
Let’s talk about the positives of a major loss
Life is not fair for anyone. Sometimes we work hard and cannot see the outcome. Other life factors can also …
Lack of satisfaction that comes with overcrowding
In this world of abundance, simplicity is the key to surviving, managing, and avoiding stress. But how is this possible …
Positive Psychotherapy
For decades, we have focused on what is wrong, but is this really healthy. Of course traumas needs to be …
Positive summer vibes to boost mental health
The best season of the year is, for sure, summer. Everybody is relaxed, and it is time to enjoy the …