How meditation helps to calm your mind and identify your thoughts?

Life is proceeding at full pace. Most of our days pass in a great rush. Our minds can be very distracted from the day’s rush, multiple tasks, and relentless to-dos. Managing home is one thing; work is another. Then things start to get out of control at some point. We start experiencing great failure; it gets to a point that we start crashing.

There we realize that something is wrong; we are working hard and doing our best, but we cannot get the result that we obtain. There are many files open in our heads, and we have issues with completing them. The more we try, the more there is chaos, and now it is time to try harder. On that point, we should realize that working hard is not the solution; we need to delve into our mindset and realize where we need to improve this.

An important point on which we need to focus is the mindset. Are we perfectionistic, have issues with setting realistic goals, have a clear direction, have good self-confidence, and not mentally dependent on others? When we dive into mental health and have clear answers about these, then we will be able to make realistic plans and have a clear future.

Meditation will help on this from several aspects. It will help us to get more focused, help to see our minds with clarity, and would train us with the skills to concentrate. When you are clear about these, you will have a clear direction, and then it will help you to distinguish your thoughts from facts. In the end, you will reach toward a pure mindset where there is nothing but peace and harmony. That is the point of Zen, and there, nothing will trigger you anymore. You will exist and be your pure self… Just your pure self…

To reach there, a couple of steps needs to be taken. It requires strict discipline and willpower. The first sessions would be boring, and the effect would not be obvious. Imagine your thoughts: there is a plane and there are clouds. You raise above the clouds with the plane. After a while, you will see your thoughts more clearly.

To learn more about the basics of meditation, click here.

How does meditation calm the mind and thoughts?

  • Firstly, it reduces stress and anxiety through promoting relaxation.
  • Improves focus and awareness: Training to stay in the present, it stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system.
  • Balances emotions: Meditation balances emotions and strengthens the prefrontal cortex.
  • It rewires the brain for positivity: As you think of positivity, your mind would stay calm.

Encourages mindfulness: The brain would encourage you to stay mindful

How does meditation shape character?

  • It lowers stress and anxiety
  • It helps to be happier by focusing on positive things in life
  • It helps to make you aware and make good decisions in life

What I advise per day?

Firstly, I would advise doing the body scan meditation because it will help you to mentally connect your brain with body connection. It reduces stress and anxiety. It will not only support emotional wellbeing, but also help to regulate the body’s stress response. Furthermore, it will also enhance positivity in your life.

Secondly, I would advise doing a thought-monitoring exercise. There you will learn to monitor your thoughts and, in the end, be able to separate them from beliefs. It will help you to settle your mind and be able to control your mindset. Thought reframing is the process of replacing unrealistic thoughts with realistic alternatives.

  • Through monitoring, you will understand your stress triggers.
  • Identify negative thinking patterns
  • Help to regulate your emotions
  • Increase productivity and your focus

Secondly, I would advise doing a thought-monitoring exercise. There you will learn to monitor your thoughts and, in the end, be able to separate them from beliefs. It will help you to settle your mind and be able to control your mindset. Thought reframing is the process of replacing unrealistic thoughts with realistic alternatives.

Count your blessings

Every morning, get up and spare 10 minutes about positive things that will influence your life. Think about the positive moments, and bless your life. No matter what is happening inside. This will help you to shift your mindset toward positivity. 

Make a list of happy things that would influence your lifestyle positively. Every day, repeat them, and they will help you to shift your mind toward positivity. 

Sometimes we don’t need power, status, or wealth. Just passing the days with ease and fulfillment would be more than whatever we need. If you have issues achieving this fulfillment, then that is where you need to work on.

Positive meditation can help you with this.

Positive Affirmations to Boost Your Mood

Every day is better than the previous one.

My health is sufficient for me to be happy.

Life happens only once and it better be a good one.

I do something everyday that makes me happy.

I am not pushed by problems, I led by dreams.

Understand Your Thought Patterns

Understand your thought patterns to be able to identify the distorted thinking in your mindset. What kind of thoughts passes through your mind? Keep a diary every day and see whether there are some commonalities in these thinking patterns. Maybe you fear from the same thing, or you have distorted thinking regarding a certain topic. These type of monitoring will help you to identify these thoughts.

Once you identified the thoughts in your mind now it is time to challenge them. Question whether this thought has some validity, could it be real or is it by-product of your brain? Cognitive Therapy is a method to challenge and alternate thoughts. Here are some methods that is going to help you with this.

Click to read more about cognitive structuring method which is part of Cognitive Therapy. Cognitive distortions are common distorted thinking patterns that influence mood and behaviors. This list was defined by Beck in 1976. Burns renamed and extended the list in 1980.

Here is a pdf guide that will provide you some guidance on the cognitive restructuring model. This will help you to revise your thoughts and help you to understand the thinking patterns.

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